October 6, 2010

Support For The Ladies

Seeing as how this week is breast cancer awareness week, or month or whatever it is...I wanted to extend my best wishes to all those that have had breast cancer, those fighting it, and wishes for the rest of you not to ever have to face it.

I may have a weekly post devoted to asses, but I love those beautiful breasts just as much.  I don't want anything to happen to them, so please do your self-exams and stay on top of this.  The survival rate is high with early detection.  I would rather you lose one and be alive, than the alternative. 

Best wishes and all my support to all of you ladies.  Fight the fight and be proud of your beautiful breasts.  We guys tend to like them!


reina(RT) said...

Thank you so much for your support DV...not at all selfish. LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you! And it is the month of October, Sir.


Jen said...

Thank You for your Concern and Support, DV Sir. :)