October 29, 2010

Fantastic Ass Friday (FAF)

Welcome to Friday once again!  You know what that means?  Yep...it's time for the weekend.  Ah...you thought I was going to say it's time for Fantastic Asses , didn't you?!?!  LOL!  Well, that too!  Last week's winner is posted to the right.  It was a very close vote last week.  One of the tightest races we have had yet, so thanks to all that voted.

I hope you enjoy this week's picks.  Have a great weekend everyone!!!








October 25, 2010

Hitting The Big Time and A New Blog

I have some exciting news I thought I would share with everyone.  It turns out some of my readers really do like what I write.  LOL!  So much so that DV is hitting the big time.  That's right...DV is going to the masses.  Well sort of anyway. 

I was recently contacted by an online magazine that is centered around BDSM and the many aspects of it.  The Editor would like to re-print (I say publish because to me it sounds more important lol) one of my posts in next months issue.  Really?  You want to put little ole me and one of my posts in your mag?  Really?  Yep, it's true!  Least to say, I'm excited about that and honored that some of what I write is enjoyed enough, or found to be important enough, to be re-printed in mainstream media.  I will let you know the post and when it's published.  Should be out around November 9th.  Until then I'm keeping it under wraps.  :)

On another note, I have started a new blog.  The new blog is kind of a spin-off of this one.  I think the two kind of go hand in hand with each other.  The new blog is a photo blog on Tumblr.  Since I enjoy Fantastic Ass Friday so much, I thought this was a natural extension.  It gives me a chance to post more pictures, and ones that mean something to me.  I generally try to post or re-post new photos everyday.  It definitely has a BDSM feel to it, but also has pics that are sexy, erotic and passionate.  As with FAF, I try to make it more artistic than pornographic, but nonetheless, it is more graphic than FAF, so you've been warned.  It is "Not Safe For Work" and you must be 18 or older.  I think most of you are safe.  Yet, if you are not, then go back to Disney .com and stay away from my sites.  The Blog is called "Dauntless Arousal" and can be found by clicking here.  I hope you'll stop by and take a look sometime.  Or even book mark it so you can keep up with what I'm posting.  Yeah...that would be better I think...just bookmark it.  ;)

I hope everyone has a great week!

Fantastic Ass Friday (FAF)

Welcome to another installment of Fantastic Ass Friday!  I want to thank all those, lurkers and regulars alike, that stop by every week to see the asses and cast a vote for your favorite of the week.  Last weeks winner is posted above, in case you missed it. 

This week I am going with an "ass in the air" theme.  I hope you enjoy!  Have a great weekend everyone!








October 21, 2010

Loving My Lurkers

I have come to realize that today is "Love Your Lurkers" Day.  So I will say hello to all of you out there that stop by, whether sporadically or regularly, but never leave a comment or say anything.  I know I have them, as I think all of us in blogland do.  I believe the chart to the right is a pretty good representation of what really goes on about those that comment and make themselves known.  So...that means we all have a huge following of anonymous lurkers that read, but remain in the shadows.

  Well, today you can no longer hide!  We all know you are there.  So feel free to drop by, make yourself known, and leave a comment about whatever you would like.  this is a free comment zone about anything and everything, so feel free to throw it out there.  I don't usually respond to comments left by anonymous sources. But today, since we are thanking all those that hide and peek around the corner to see what is happening, I may just respond to whatever you'd like to ask.  So, bring it on my fine lurkers!  Come out of hiding at least for a moment and let it be known that you like to stop by and read DV's blog.  Ok...ok...I know...you really just like to look at that fine asses on Friday.  That is fine as well.  Can't say that I blame you.  Whatever your reason, feel free to leave a comment and of course....Thank you for lurking!  :)

October 15, 2010

Fantastic Ass Friday (FAF)

Drum roll please...............it's that day of the week you wait so anxiously for........Fantastic Ass Friday!   YAY!!!  Last week's winner is posted to the right.  Thank you to all who stop by to check it out and those that vote every week.  If it wasn't for all for you and your love of FAF, then there would be no reason for me to post it.  So, thanks for all your nice comments and continued support.

This week I am going with a half-clad Denim theme.  I hope you enjoy!  Tell all your friends to come by and vote.  I hope everyone has a great weekend, and as always.....may you get a little ass for yourself.  :)








October 14, 2010

Submissive Emotions and The Dominant (Pt 2)

Women...emotions...women...emotions..women...well  you get the picture.  The two seem to go hand in hand and be synonymous.  I won't say this is always the case, as everyone is different.  Yet, for the most part women are very emotional creatures.  Much more so than men.  Or at least most men.  There are exceptions to every rule.  But I think in general we can all agree that, women are emotional, and men are less so.

If we take this a bit further and into the sexual realm, this seems to hold true as well.  When it comes to sex, for women it is an emotional experience.  They need to feel a connection and it's more than just a physical act.  Again, there are always exceptions to this.  There are plenty of women that enjoy sex just for the sex.   Yet, for women it can be a very emotional experience.  They approach it from a much more mental and emotional side than do their male counterparts.  They aren't just looking to have sex for the sake of having sex.  They think much deeper than this when considering being that intimate with someone.

For the men, well...we like sex.  We look at a woman in terms of whether we find her attractive and would we have sex with her.  That's just how we are.  That's just how we think.  Sex for men is very physical.  It can eventually become emotional, but we enjoy the physical pleasure of sex.  There is no way around that.  That is just how it is.  We think below our belt a lot times, and we all know how much trouble that can cause.  This is something many women do not truly understand since they think emotionally.

For many guys, we can have a great girlfriend or wife we love dearly, have a great home life, and a great job, and still want to have sex with other women, potentially ruining everything great in our life.  Why?  Because we are attracted to the other woman and want to have that experience with them.  It is a purely physical desire.  It has no bearing on our home life or significant other.  It doesn't mean we love you any less.  It's just how we think.  This isn't so for women.  Since they think and act in regards to emotions, if they wanted or did have sex with someone else, they could/would potentially be very distraught.  It can wreak havoc on their emotions in figuring out how to deal with what they have at home versus what they have done with someone else.  It can become an internal battle for them as they try to figure out what all they are feeling.

So at this point you are asking...what does this have to do with being Dominant or submissive?  Well...you need to be aware of all I have mentioned, whether you agree or not, when getting involved in a D/s type relationship.  Why you ask?  Because a submissive, as I talked about in the original post, can have a wide range of emotions that are very intense when she starts moving into D/s and facing her submissive side.  This can be a very difficult time for her mentally and emotionally as she begins to accept who she is and needs to be.  Now you throw some sexual aspects into the mix, knowing she is emotional about sexual activities as well, and combine them with the other emotions she is facing and dealing with and trying to justify in her mind, and you have quite a cocktail of emotions that are all over the map.

Odds are, as with most submissives I have talked with and read about, along with their submission comes a sexual awakening.  They are finding that not only are they expected to be an open sexual being, but it is perfectly fine to be this way.  There isn't anyone there looking down on them for being open sexually.  There is no reason for them to feel pressure to hold it in and hide who they want and need to be.  They are expected to freely express their sexuality.  Their libido is now in high gear.  This just adds to the mix of things running through her mind and body.  She is feeling things, and in ways, she never has before.  Ways she never knew she could.  Ways she never even knew were possible.

As a Dominant, you better be fully aware of all that is going on within your submissive.  You better be able to understand where she is coming from and what may be going through her mind.  This can be hard for many Doms, as they don't think this way.  We approach things differently.  Yet, you have to be able to think like her to some degree to be able to understand her.  It's your job to understand her.  She is there in the puddle of mush, and emotions, and feelings, and sexual liberation, and she is looking to you to lead, and guide and show her the way.  How can you do this if you don't understand and have a grasp on what is happening within her?  You can't!  It helps that as a male, a Dominant isn't as emotional.  He can take into account much of what is going on, think through things logically, and make an informed decision on how to proceed.  That's not to say that a Dom shouldn't care, feel, show affection and a softer side, and have emotions of his own.   He absolutely will and should.  Yet, it isn't as prevalent as with his sub.  He has to keep a level head to be able to lead her down the path of their journey.

You can tie her up, spank her, have wild sex, and require her to do things.  But can you deal with her emotions and what she is feeling after you do this?  You better find a way, as this will be a pivotal time.  She has emotions about her submission itself, about the sexual acts you just made her do, and about you the Dom.  You need to be able to understand this, talk to her about it, guide her through this and care for her.  Be able to openly talk and discuss these things with her to help her understand what she is feeling and why she is feeling it.  This is an important time in nurturing and caring for her.  This will affirm to her all you have been telling her and what she is feeling, if you nurture her the right way.  If you don't, it is very apt to push her away, make her withdraw, and cause issues for you both.  Problems are easily avoided with the right care and attention.  If done correctly, she will pull you even closer, submit more, and be even more yours that she was before.  And that my friend is a beautiful thing. 

It is important to be able to at least try to see and understand all there is to know about your submissive.  From her mental and emotional needs, to the physical.  To know what she is going through so you can help her the best way possible.  Without knowing these things, and being willing to learn and know, it is like the blind leading the blind.  It is well worth your time and effort to learn and know all you can.  It will only benefit you both in the long run.  Assuming you get to the long run and aren't stopped short because you didn't understand her and things fell apart.

October 8, 2010

Submissive Emotions and the Dominant

"I warned you!  I told you how this would be.  I told you how intense this could and probably would become.  I told you how emotional this would become for you.  I told you this would be like no other relationship you have ever had.  I told you how it would be hard to go back once I had taken you there.  Did you believe me?  Did you think I was lying?  Did you really think I was just telling you things to lure you in?  Maybe...maybe not.  You had no way of knowing.  You had no reference point.  You had never been here before to be able to understand.  But...now you see.  Now you get it.  Now you understand.  Now...you are addicted!"

I read about a lot of women who decide to embrace her submissive side.  She comes out of the closet and becomes more open about who she is and needs to be.  But does she really know what she is in for?  Does she really know how emotional and mental this will become?  Does she really even know what she wants and is willing to do?  No!  There is no way she can.

There are several aspects we can look at in this regard.  Today I just want to focus on emotions.  More specifically, the emotions that come about and begin evolve once she takes the steps and gets going in this lifestyle.  Once a submissive woman comes to grips with her needs and desires, and finds the right Dominant to lead her down this road, that's when things get much more deep than she can imagine them being. 

From personal experience, I can tell you that no woman, no matter what or how you try to explain to her, can grasp how her emotions will become involved.  How her need will grow.  How this will become an addiction for her.  She has no way to know.  She has no reference point as of now.  I can drill into a sub how intense this can be.  How emotional it will become.  But until she is actually there and feeling it, she really can't know and understand.

She will be required, with me anyway, to be completely open and honest at all times.  She will be required to open herself and her inner thoughts to me like she never has to anyone before in her life.  She will be faced with being vulnerable like never before.  In many women this will strike fear.  Fear of having to be that open.  Fear of having to share such a dark side of her newly discovered self.  Fear of being hurt by being so open.  There is no hiding and no holding back.  Many times she has been hurt in the past, and has withdrawn and put up so many barriers that it takes an entire demolition crew to begin to knock down those walls.  This can be a very emotional time for her.  She wants this and needs this, but is scared to death at the same time, as she is introduced more and more to this life by discussions, pictures, assignments, and so on. 

This is where having the right Dominant is so important.  It is at this very moment that her entire submissiveness swings in the balance.  This can become the best thing ever, or it can become the nightmare she so greatly fears.  Who holds the key to which way it will swing?  I, the Dominant, does.  It is up to me to guide her through this jungle of emotions.  It is up to me to support her, do all I can to make her feel safe, and to show her I care.  That I'm not just here to use her and do all these naughty things to her and treat her like trash.  Although, this may be what she believes by all she has seen and read on the internet.  I'm here to help support and hold her up.  I'm here to lead her down this path, help her face her fears, and see that I mean what I say and I am who I say I am.  That I'm not here to tear her down, but to build her up.  It is through this support and care that she will begin to believe that I am truly here for her.  That I really do want to help her be who she needs to be, and in a loving and caring manner.  That I don't want to change her, but want to open her up and help her spread her wings to be who she already is. 

There are a lot of Doms, or alleged Doms, out there.  They will make all sorts of claims.  Many think it's about having a woman bow to you, get on her knees, suck your cock, there for you to fuck whenever they want, etc...  They think it would be great to have a woman do whatever they say.  What they don't know and realize is how much time and effort goes into a submissive in supporting and caring for her.  He doesn't realize that, in contradictory terms, the more of himself he gives to her, the more he will get from her.  There is so much work on a mental and emotional side of a D/s relationship, before you really can appreciate and accept the physical side of it.  There's no wonder a lot of submissives I read about have had issues and problems in the lifestyle.  Lucky for us good Dominants (yes I'm making an assumption about myself), the drive and pull in a submissive keeps her going and looking, even after a bad experience or two.

My point is this...there are some very emotional times for a submissive in coming to grips with who she is.  It takes a lot of work and effort to be able to guide her and get her comfortable with this.  It takes a caring and strong Dominant to be able to work through this with her, and want to work through this with her.  If you take the time to build her up, show her the way, show her how great this can be, take care of and support her, then you are building a strong foundation for your future.  She will be much more loyal and giving of herself, if she sees and knows you are willing to give of yourself as well.  If your foundation is weak, well...don't be surprised when the house comes tumbling down.  It's no ones fault but your own, as the Dominant.  She has no way to know otherwise and is counting on you to know and lead her.

Can you do that?  Can you build a strong foundation for her to be steady on her feet?  Can you work with her the way she needs and deserves?  Can you give yourself to her, so she will give herself in return?  Can you?  You better! Or you better not act surprised when you have lots of issues that can't be resolved.   She deserves the best and all you have.  If you can't give her that, then maybe you should stay in the kiddie pool until you grow up enough to swim with the adults!

Fantastic Ass Friday (FAF)

I hope every one has had a god week.  Thanks to all that have continued to vote.  I appreciate your participation.  The picture to the right is last week's winner. If you come across a great ass picture that you would like to submit for consideration to the weekly voting, feel free to do so.  I always enjoy pictures that I know hold a meaning to you. 

This week I am going with a "Wet" theme. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 








October 6, 2010

Support For The Ladies

Seeing as how this week is breast cancer awareness week, or month or whatever it is...I wanted to extend my best wishes to all those that have had breast cancer, those fighting it, and wishes for the rest of you not to ever have to face it.

I may have a weekly post devoted to asses, but I love those beautiful breasts just as much.  I don't want anything to happen to them, so please do your self-exams and stay on top of this.  The survival rate is high with early detection.  I would rather you lose one and be alive, than the alternative. 

Best wishes and all my support to all of you ladies.  Fight the fight and be proud of your beautiful breasts.  We guys tend to like them!

October 1, 2010

Friday Humor

My sweet follower Alunja asked that I continue posting the funny cartoons.  Maybe I can find a way to make it a weekly thing like FAF.  Anyway, here is one I think you will enjoy...or at least I laughed at it!  Maybe that shows how twisted I am!  LOL!

Fantastic Ass Friday (FAF)

Welcome once again to Fantastic Ass Friday!  I have gotten lots of positive feedback from the voting, since it was put into place.  I'm glad everyone is enjoying it.  It does make it a bit ore fun to be able to vote and see how your favorite fares.  Please keep voting and thanks to everyone that stops by for it! 

In case you haven't been able to tell, I have been trying every week to keep the choices similar.  Last week they were all color.  One week they were all partially clothed.  I try to keep similar pictures grouped together to make it more interesting.  This week we are going all black and white and artistic.  I hope you enjoy, and find one you just can't help but to cast a vote. 

Have a great weekend everybody! 





