October 25, 2010

Hitting The Big Time and A New Blog

I have some exciting news I thought I would share with everyone.  It turns out some of my readers really do like what I write.  LOL!  So much so that DV is hitting the big time.  That's right...DV is going to the masses.  Well sort of anyway. 

I was recently contacted by an online magazine that is centered around BDSM and the many aspects of it.  The Editor would like to re-print (I say publish because to me it sounds more important lol) one of my posts in next months issue.  Really?  You want to put little ole me and one of my posts in your mag?  Really?  Yep, it's true!  Least to say, I'm excited about that and honored that some of what I write is enjoyed enough, or found to be important enough, to be re-printed in mainstream media.  I will let you know the post and when it's published.  Should be out around November 9th.  Until then I'm keeping it under wraps.  :)

On another note, I have started a new blog.  The new blog is kind of a spin-off of this one.  I think the two kind of go hand in hand with each other.  The new blog is a photo blog on Tumblr.  Since I enjoy Fantastic Ass Friday so much, I thought this was a natural extension.  It gives me a chance to post more pictures, and ones that mean something to me.  I generally try to post or re-post new photos everyday.  It definitely has a BDSM feel to it, but also has pics that are sexy, erotic and passionate.  As with FAF, I try to make it more artistic than pornographic, but nonetheless, it is more graphic than FAF, so you've been warned.  It is "Not Safe For Work" and you must be 18 or older.  I think most of you are safe.  Yet, if you are not, then go back to Disney .com and stay away from my sites.  The Blog is called "Dauntless Arousal" and can be found by clicking here.  I hope you'll stop by and take a look sometime.  Or even book mark it so you can keep up with what I'm posting.  Yeah...that would be better I think...just bookmark it.  ;)

I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Congrats on being selected.

  2. DV Sir,

    That's fantastic news; congrats!


  3. Thanks everybody! I appreciate all your support and well wishes. Without you, my readers and followers, I probably wouldn't keep doing this. So thanks for enjoying and liking what I put on here.

