October 21, 2010

Loving My Lurkers

I have come to realize that today is "Love Your Lurkers" Day.  So I will say hello to all of you out there that stop by, whether sporadically or regularly, but never leave a comment or say anything.  I know I have them, as I think all of us in blogland do.  I believe the chart to the right is a pretty good representation of what really goes on about those that comment and make themselves known.  So...that means we all have a huge following of anonymous lurkers that read, but remain in the shadows.

  Well, today you can no longer hide!  We all know you are there.  So feel free to drop by, make yourself known, and leave a comment about whatever you would like.  this is a free comment zone about anything and everything, so feel free to throw it out there.  I don't usually respond to comments left by anonymous sources. But today, since we are thanking all those that hide and peek around the corner to see what is happening, I may just respond to whatever you'd like to ask.  So, bring it on my fine lurkers!  Come out of hiding at least for a moment and let it be known that you like to stop by and read DV's blog.  Ok...ok...I know...you really just like to look at that fine asses on Friday.  That is fine as well.  Can't say that I blame you.  Whatever your reason, feel free to leave a comment and of course....Thank you for lurking!  :)


  1. FAF is not the only thing that draws me. There is the Monday humor, don't forget that. Oh, also the fine mind behind the interesting and well thought out posts. That's the really big draw.

    I'm an occasional commenter, the anonymous kellyred ;-).

  2. Hello Sir,
    Congratulations on Your LOL Day! I am an avid reader here and want to thank You for this blog. I am peeking out from behind my hair to wish this blogging community my best and to thank everyone for being so willing to share. I hope to one day be able to share my own feeling. For now...thank you!

  3. sneaky peek... blush.. whispers thank you.

  4. I visit for the the intelligent and well thought out posts. It is not often that you come across such an insightful blog from a Doms perspective.

  5. I love to lurk you. ;-)


  6. I rarely comment... but I read your blog... ;)

  7. And your lurkers love you as well. You've helped me to trust my instincts in this first year of physical submission, and many thanks for that.

    My first comment, but not our first contact.


  8. Hello,
    Happy LOL day. I have read this blog before but don't recall whether I have commented before.

  9. I've been a Lurker for quite some time. I've read all of your posts. Every one of them. I believe you are writing from your heart. B

  10. YAY! Lurkers!
    I don't comment too much, but I read, everytime you write!

  11. Hello...I'm still trying to figure out where/how I fit into all of this, and it's been really interesting to try to see things from a Dom's point of view. I particularly enjoyed your recent posts on submissive emotions. Happy LOL day.


  12. Well, I guess I will formally introduce myself. Hi! I can't say that I'm a long time lurker, I just stumbled across your blog about two weeks ago. I'm not one to comment much, but I will say I'm sure I will be lurking for a long time coming, if not for the well thought out intelligent posts, then for Fantastic Ass Fridays!! ;)

  13. Looks like you've pulled a lot of lurkers out today. Congrats!
    Just stopping by to say Happy LOL Day!!!

  14. Hello Sir. I'm also a lurker. M and and I are new to TTWD and your site is one that we read together. He loves Fridays.

    at his knee

  15. Hi, I am Kandy!

    Wednesday was "Love our Lurkers" day in blogland.

    I missed it. So, I made a promise to go to all of my favorite blogs and leave a comment
    just to say, I read your blog, but you didn't know it.

    Keep writing for us Lurkers, too!


  16. Thanks for all my lurker love! I appreciate all your comments and glad you all are enjoying my little piece of the internet. It's always nice to know there are those out there that enjoy and appreciate what I do on here! Much love to you all!

