November 25, 2019

Hello Blogland!

Master DV has given me an assignment to write my first post introducing myself.  I’m not the writer that he is, but here goes…

I am Hds (His devoted slave), Master DV’s slave wife.  As he had mentioned in his previous post, we have been through a lot of changes, struggles, and adjustments over the years, but those struggles brought us closer and made us stronger.  Much of moving into 24/7 has been very natural, yet we have had our adjustments trying to navigate in the M/s area and figuring out what works best for us.  We also have had the usual adjustments when two people move in together.  For example…I think ketchup belongs in the fridge, and he feels it belongs in the pantry.  Seriously…the pantry!  Yuck!  Outside of the ketchup issue, we both feel very blessed to finally have exactly what we have wanted and had been working towards.  

I have always loved his writings and his views on this lifestyle, and I have been trying to get him to start writing again for a while now.  Adding me and making this a joint blog….I didn’t see that one coming!  You all know that he rarely writes and talks about his personal life, so this came as a bit of a shock to me.  It has also made me feel incredibly honored that he would want me to be a part of this.  

Master DV had given a bit of an insight as to what has been happening over the years.  I will just leave it at that for now since much of it will probably end up being it’s own individual post over time.

I would just like to end with thanking Master DV for this assignment and entrusting me with his blog that he has put so much time into over the years.  Being his slave wife is truly a blessing and my greatest pleasure!

His devoted slave


  1. Welcome to blogland! I hope you find much enjoyment here. I look forward to getting to know you and your journey.

    Best of luck with your writing ( you did just fine by the way!)


  2. Hey - hope to see more of both of you!! 💜

  3. @Willie, thank you for the kind welcome. I think we are both going to enjoy being here sharing our journey and hopefully we can helps others learn this lifestyle along the way.

    @Olivia, thank you! You will definitely be seeing more of both of us. We look forward to sharing our M/s relationship and what we have learned along the way.
