November 11, 2011

Fantastic Ass Friday (FAF)

I hope everyone has had a great week.  We had a nice vote last week, and I appreciate all of you that participated in the voting.  I would always love to have more votes, so send all your friends by as well. 

Last week's winner is posted to the right.  It was a tough decision for many of you, but this one eeked out the win by a single vote.  I hope to make every week a tough choice for you.  Or at least that's my goal.

I hope you all have a great weekend, and may it involve some Fantastic Asses.








  1. mmm tough - between #3 and #5. Got to go with the shoes, LOL - #3.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Take care, Sky (blogger again, not letting me use my sign in)

  2. It was a very tough choice between #1 and #3.

    In the end I had to go with #1.

    Thanks for another great FAF

  3. Tough choice this time. I love #1, but in the end, I have to go with #4. Yowza!
